24-hour and 32-hour packages are on request, so we can always offer you the best room rate.
Rates are per person, per arrangement.
24-hour and 32-hour packages are on request, so we can always offer you the best room rate.
Rates are per person, per arrangement.
Interested in one of our packages? Request a quote from hotel Nieuwerkerk now.
1/3 half day € 17.00 p.p.
Unlimited coffee, tea, soft drinks and fresh fruit in the business lounges
Mineral water, meeting mints, sweets, pen and notepad in the room
Lekkernij from the chef
Flipover with markers
Beamer with projection
Meeting kit with conference equipment
2/3 day part with lunch buffet € 36.50 p.p.
Unlimited coffee, tea, soft drinks and fresh fruit in the business lounges
Mineral water, meeting mints, sweets, pen and notepad in the room
Lekkernij from the chef
Flipover with markers
Beamer with projection
Luxury lunch buffet (Monday to Friday) between 12:00 and 14:00 in our restaurant
Meeting kit with conference equipment
2/3 day part with sandwich buffet € 38.50 p.p.
Unlimited coffee, tea, soft drinks and fresh fruit in the business lounges
Mineral water, meeting mints, sweets, pen and notepad in the room
Lekkernij from the chef
Flipover with markers
Beamer with projection
Buffet buffet Deluxe served in the business lounge
Meeting kit with conference equipment
2/3 day part with dinner € 47.00 p.p.
Unlimited coffee, tea, soft drinks and fresh fruit in the business lounges
Mineral water, meeting mints, sweets, pen and notepad in the room
Lekkernij from the chef
Flipover with markers
Beamer with projection
Dinner with your guests in the restaurant, excluding drinks
Meeting kit with conference equipment
3/3 half-day with lunch & dinner € 65.00 p.p.
Unlimited coffee, tea, soft drinks and fresh fruit in the business lounges
Mineral water, meeting mints, sweets, pen and notepad in the room
Lekkernij from the chef
Flipover with markers
Beamer with projection
Luxury lunch buffet (Monday to Friday) between 12:00 and 14:00 in our restaurant
Dinner with your guests in the restaurant, excluding drinks
Meeting kit with conference equipment
Breakfast package € 24.50 p.p.
From 07:00 until 12:00 at the latest
Unlimited coffee, tea, soft drinks and fresh fruit in the business lounges
Mineral water, meeting mints, sweets, pen and notepad in the room
Lekkernij from the chef
Flipover with markers
Beamer with projection
Various sandwiches, croissants, fresh fruit, orange juice and dairy
Meeting kit with conference equipment
Read more substantive information about the different room options for your meeting